Audibility deficiency -When the degree of hearing impairment warrants an amplification device(s), our audiologist will help you select the right ones for you, according to test results, your lifestyle and financial consideration.
'Hidden hearing loss (HHL)' - Some people report hearing difficulty in noisy situations, but their hearing is within normal limit or borderline mild loss. Last 20years or so, that condition was called as HHL because there was no clinical assessment to identify the pathology. Recently some scientists reported the possible causes for the hearing difficulty in noise. More clinical evidences are reported the benefits of amplification in this population.
Forms of amplification that are currently used to compensate audibility deficiency are hearing aids (HAs) and Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs). ALDs are usually standalone devices, such as phone amplifiers or Captioning devices etc. ALDs that are used to enhance hearing aids functionalities are called HA accessories, such as a partner's mic or TV connectors etc. We have wide range of selections to accommodate the communication needs for you and your significant others.
There are many excellent hearing aid manufacturers; but not all companies have the same features and strengths to accommodate all the demands of diverse types and degrees of hearing impairment. For that reason at AAHA, we strive to keep current with new technologies from several reliable companies providing a full line of quality hearing aids. We are confident to work with about six top leading companies that have been tested for many years and proven to be the best in the field: Oticon, Phonak, Resound, Signia, Starkey, and Widex.
You can assure that our loyalty is to our patients, as we work along side with those who share our vision - to provide the best technology/services that is available to assist communication needs for healthier and happier life despite hearing deficiency.
Hearing Aids
Styles of ear level instruments:
Technology changes with time and innovation. We work with several of the top major hearing aid manufacturers to provide the most -advanced, proven, best-fitting technology for you.
Most commonly used hearing aids are Behind The Ear (BTE) and In The Ear (ITE).
BTE has different sizes and each one requires an ear mold or ear tip to insert in the ear. Usually more durable and easier to handle than ITE. A newer and more popular type of BTE is called Receiver-In-the-Canal (RIC). RIC became popular for many good reason including much less visible than a traditional BTE.
ITE style has many different names, usually by its size and position when it is worn. It requires ear impression to customize the shape and size to fit each individual ear.
The main body of BTE varies in sizes.
Mini BTE usually has no button or only one. Cosmetically appealing.
The smaller in HA size, the smaller battery - which means frequent replacement is necessary. Rechargeable battery might be a solution.
When a receiver is separated from the body of HA and placed in the ear canal, it is called Receiver In the Canal (RIC) style.
Power BTE is for Severe to Profound hearing loss and usually fit with custom ear mold.
More durable than ITE and easier maintenance.
Completely In The Canal (CIC) or Invisible In The Canal (IIC)
Top Seller
Cosmetically appealing -nearly invisible
Potential for ear plugging feeling
Easy telephone use
Requires good dexterity to insert
Shorter battery life
Occasional wax buildup
In The Canal (ITC) or Half Shell (HS)
New Addition
Cosmetically appealing (slightly visible)
Less ear plugging feeling
Easy telephone use
Requires good dexterity to insert
Wireless communication available
Reasonable battery hours
In The Ear (ITE) or Full Shell (FS)
Customer Favorite
Visible in the ear
Easy to handle
Less ear plugging feeling
More power
Better battery life
The purpose of accessories are to extend the audible range to hearing aid users or lessen the huddles such as distance or presence of complex noise, or conversation in a large group etc.
ALDs can be useful to those who have a hearing issues when watching Tv with others or talking on the phone. Also it can be used in doctors office for a temporary solution for a better communication.
used WITH hearing aids. It can be linked simultaneously on the fitting day or later as needed.
TV & Music streamer - it is wired with a TV and wirelessly communicate with hearing aids. It helps users to overcome the distance between them and the TV, and also help other family members enjoy the volume in their pleasure.
Landline phone streamer - Like TV streamer, it helps hearing aid users to hear speeches more clearly and consistently. This is especially helpful when speech recognition is difficult without visual cues or conversation prolongs.
Bluetooth enabled phone
Remote microphone
Partner microphone
Remote controller
Smartphone app
FM system
Rechargeable battery
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
can be used with or without hearing aids
ALDs are the electronic devices operates independently without being connected with hearing aids. Inputs of ALDs are sounds but outputs are amplified sounds, vibrations, or visual lights.
ALDs can be used individually, or in a group or in a building.
Items listed below are most commonly used items.
TV Ear
Pocket Talker
Vibrating or lighting Alarm or doorbell
FM system
Loops - in a public building with loop system can interact directly with either a receiver device or a t-coil of hearing aid if that is enabled.
Amplified phone or an amplifier to attach to a regualr phone.
CaptionCall to read and hear phone conversations. It works like a regular landline phone with real-time captions.